Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean 2021

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This year’s edition of the Statistical Yearbook was coordinated by Daniel Taccari, Statistician with the Statistics Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). The information it contains was made available through the timely collaboration of the heads of statistical offices and the presidents of central banks in the countries of the region. The area of social and demographic statistics was coordinated by Xavier Mancero and Álvaro Fuentes with the assistance of Martín Brun, Miguel Castillo, Carlos Howes, Rocío Miranda and Claudio Moris. The processing of statistics relating to national accounts, balance of payments, foreign trade and prices was coordinated by Ana Victoria Vega and Claudia de Camino, with assistance from María Paz Collinao, Lady Viviana Infante, Giannina López, Patricia Marchant, María Alejandra Ovalle and Ernestina Pérez. The compilation of environment and natural resources statistics was coordinated by Alberto Malmierca, with the assistance of Daniela Baeza, Patricia Delgado, Sofía del Villar and Camila Quiroz. The statistical graphics were designed and produced by Pauline Stockins. The programming work was performed by Dante Epifani, Verónica Lazo, Pedro León, Ana María Vivanco and Andrés Yáñez.