Climate Change and Development

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CHF 69.00
Policy Considerations for Developing Countries Paperback This report provides analysis and tools to guide policymakers in developing countries on key issues related to trade. Part 1 analyzes climate change and evolving comparative advantages of developing country trade. Part 2 takes an...
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CHF 59.00
How to Sustainably Close the Digital Divide and Harness Digital Tools for Climate Action Paperback The book examines how to increase synergies between socioeconomic development goals, climate change policies, and digital technologies, offering guidance on how government institutions and...
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CHF 59.00
Navigating the Political Economy of Decarbonization Paperback This report looks at the political economy of net zero policy, from common challenges to the development of strategies to overcome them. It shows how governments can improve political economy conditions over time with progressive...
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CHF 59.00
Lessons from 25 Policies Advancing a Low-Carbon Future Paperback This report identifies current policy trends that are helping countries decarbonize their economies whilst achieving their overall development objectives and their strategic ambition to transition to greener, more resilient,...
Supply Chain Emissions, Green Technology Transfers, and Corporate Commitments Paperback This report studies the effect of multi national enterprises on climate change. Multi national enterprises provide both a fundamental risk and an opportunity for climate change mitigation. The report...
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CHF 59.00
Making Cities Green, Resilient, and Inclusive in a Changing Climate Paperback Globally, 70 percent of greenhouse gas emissions emanate from cities. Cities are also experiencing an expanding variety and frequency of climate change related stresses. This report provides policymakers with a...
Climate Strategies for Fossil Fuel-Dependent Countries Paperback This stocktaking of what the global low-carbon transition may mean for fossil fuel-dependent countries (FFDCs) and how they can manage its risks and harness emerging opportunities.
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CHF 49.00
Building the Resilience of the Poor in the Face of Natural Disasters Paperback 'Economic losses from natural disasters totaled $92 billion in 2015.' Such statements, all too commonplace, assess the severity of disasters by no other measure than the damage inflicted on buildings,...
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CHF 39.00
Managing the Impacts of Climate Change on  Paperback Ending poverty and stabilizing climate change will be two unprecedented global achievements and two major steps toward sustainable development. But the two objectives need to be jointly tackled through an integrated strategy. This report...
The Power and Water Sectors Paperback To sustain Africa?s growth, and accelerate the eradication of extreme poverty, investment in infrastructure is fundamental. This book evaluates the impacts of climate change on hydro-power and irrigation expansion plans in Africa?s main rivers basins;...
The Decision Tree Framework Paperback This volume provides project planners with a cost-effective and effort-efficient, scientifically defensible, repeatable, and clear method for demonstrating the robustness of a climate change project.
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CHF 39.00
Three Steps to a Zero-Carbon Future Paperback Science tells us that stabilizing climate change requires bringing net emissions of CO2 to zero; and staying anywhere near 2oC above pre-industrial temperature would require doing so by 2100.  This report looks at what it would take to achieve...


  • ‎CHF 39
  • ‎CHF 69