Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics (Global)

Development Challenges in a Post-crisis World Paperback ABCDE 2011 presents papers from a global gathering of the world's leading development scholars and practitioners held May 31 - June 2, 2010. Paper themes include: Environmental Commons and the Green Economy, Post-crisis Development...
People, Politics, and Globalization Paperback 'ABCDE 2009 Global' presents selected papers from the ABCDE meetings, held June 9-11, 2008 in Cape Town South Africa. This volume presents papers on Trade and Investment; Migration, Remittances, and Transition from Foreign Aid; Higher Education...
Private Sector and Development Paperback The global Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (Global ABCDE) 2008 took place in Bled, Slovenia, on May 17-18, 2007. The conference was co-organized by the World Bank and the Government of Slovenia.The overall theme of the conference was...
Higher Education and Development Paperback This title compiles papers from a global gathering of the world's leading development scholars and practitioners. Issue papers include: Higher Education and International Migration in Asia.
Rethinking Infrastructure for Development Paperback This volume presents papers on Infrastructure for Growth - climate change, clean energy, and energy efficiency; rural infrastructure and agricultural development; and infrastructure and regional cooperation.
Paperback This volume takes an important first step in quantifying the investment incentives on business decisions related to production and investment. In addition, it suggests the consequences of such incentives for government revenues.
Toward Pro-Poor Policies--Aid, Institutions, and Globalization Paperback ABCDE Europe 2003 presents selected papers from the fourth annual ABCDE Europe meetings, held June 24-26, 2002, in Oslo, Norway. The papers from sessions on aid, institutions, and globalization consider the role of...
Paperback The 13th annual conference, held in May 2001, concentrated on the current thinking in development policy and the implications for the global economy with a particular focus on the two important and controversial themes of globalization and health. This book is a collection of...


  • ‎CHF 39
  • ‎CHF 59