Transport and Mobility

Invaders from the Sea gives a unique insight into an important environmental issue: the transfer of harmful organisms in ships ballast water. Filmed by the internationally renowned BBC Wildivision, this amazing story looks at how this phenomenon is affecting our coasts and millions of lives...
This self-paced, self-contained e-learning course deals with marine accident and incident investigations. It is designed to provide a new marine accident investigator with the fundamental knowledge and understanding of an investigator's role and responsibilities, and of the use and applicability...
The International Maritime Organization has developed the latest model Introductory Course on Preparedness for and Response to HNS in the Marine Environment to provide a general introduction to the concepts and unique considerations related to preparing for and responding to pollution incidents...
The High-Speed Craft Code, 1994 (1994 HSC Code) was derived from the previous Code of Safety for Dynamically Supported Craft (DSC Code) adopted by IMO in 1977, recognizing that safety levels can be significantly enhanced by the infrastructure associated with regular service on a particular...
This volume contains recommended quantities, indications and dosing for 55 medicines listed in the  International Medical Guide for Ships 3rd edition . The quantities are based on three types of ships: ocean-going ships with crews of 25-40 and no doctor (Category A); coastal ships with...
This full-colour poster showing the symbols related to escape route signs and equipment location markings as adopted by resolution A.1116(30). As per resolution A.1111(30), the signage in this poster should take effect on ships constructed on or after 1 January 2019 or ships which undergo...
This publication contains the following instruments related to special trade passenger ships: Final Act of the Conference; Special trade Passenger Ships Agreement and Rules (STP), 1971; Resolutions adopted by the Conference
This guide aims to provide practical guidance to operators that may consider the use of sorbents as part of response operations to accidental oil or chemical pollution. Subjects covered in the guide include sorbent types, specifications, particularities, regulations, deployment techniques, waste...
The Guidelines provide up-to-date information on the use of oil spill dispersants. They are intended primarily for use by Member Governments and other oil spill responders and should be read with the Manual on Oil Pollution, section IV: Combating Oil Spills. The present edition of these...
The purpose of CLC is to provide uniform international rules and procedures for determining questions of liability and to ensure that adequate compensation is available to victims of oil pollution by placing the liability for compensation upon the owner of the ship. The 1976 Protocol to Revise...
Informative Material related to the CTU Code , the companion publication to the  CTU Code , provides further practical guidance and background information, including: consequences of improper packing procedures typical documents related to transport CTU types species of concern...
Basic Documents Volume II is a compendium of basic documents on the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and its Training Institutions and Regional Centre.
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