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CHF 40.00
Monitoring the trade policies and practices of members is a fundamentally important activity of the World Trade Organization. All WTO members are reviewed at regular intervals, according to their share of world trade. Each  Trade Policy Review  consists of three parts: a report by the...
Monitoring the trade policies and practices of members is a fundamentally important activity of the World Trade Organization. All WTO members are reviewed at regular intervals, according to their share of world trade. Each  Trade Policy Review  consists of three parts: a report by the...
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CHF 40.00
Monitoring the trade policies and practices of members is a fundamentally important activity of the World Trade Organization. All WTO members are reviewed at regular intervals, according to their share of world trade. Each  Trade Policy Review  consists of three parts: a report by the...
Cada Examen de las Políticas Comerciales tiene tres partes: una exposición de políticas preparada por el gobierno del país objeto de examen, un informe detallado elaborado independientemente por la Secretaría de la OMC, y las observaciones formuladas por el Presidente del Órgano de Examen de...
Each Trade Policy Review consists of three parts: a report by the government under review, a report written independently by the WTO Secretariat, and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the Trade Policy Review Body. A highlights section provides an overview of key trade facts.
Each Trade Policy Review consists of three parts: a report by the government under review, a report written independently by the WTO Secretariat, and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the Trade Policy Review Body. A highlights section provides an overview of key trade facts.
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CHF 40.00
Each Trade Policy Review consists of three parts: a report by the government under review, a report written independently by the WTO Secretariat, and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the Trade Policy Review Body. A highlights section provides an overview of key trade facts.
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CHF 40.00
Each Trade Policy Review consists of three parts: a report by the government under review, a report written independently by the WTO Secretariat, and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the Trade Policy Review Body. A highlights section provides an overview of key trade facts.
Los Acuerdos de la OMC son el fundamento jurídico del sistema internacional de comercio utilizado por la mayor parte de las naciones comerciantes del mundo. Esta serie ofrece una colección de prácticos folletos de consulta sobre determinados acuerdos. Cada volumen contiene el texto de un...
Les Accords de l'OMC sont le fondement juridique du système commercial international auquel appartiennent la majorité des nations commerçantes du monde. Cette série est constituée d'un ensemble de brochures de référence d'utilisation facile, consacrées à différents accords. Chaque volume...
The WTO’s agreements are the legal foundation for the international trading system that is used by the bulk of the world’s trading nations. This series offers a set of handy reference booklets on selected agreements. Each volume contains the text of one agreement, an explanation designed to...
The GATT's own article-by-article handbook on the General Agreement, describing the draft history, interpretation and application of the rules, based on official documentary records. The 6th edition is the most complete and up to date presentation of GATT law: it spans 1945 to the end of 1994,...
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