
Resúmenes de una página por caso ofrece un breve resumen de las principales constataciones contenidas en cada uno de los informes de los grupos especiales publicados hasta finales de 2014 y en el informe del Órgano de Apelación posterior, si procede. Cada resumen de una página se compone de...
Cette publication intitulée contient un résumé succinct des principales constatations de tous les rapports des groupes spéciaux jusqu'à la fin de 2014 et, le cas échéant, des rapports établis ensuite par l'Organe d'appel. Chaque résumé d'une page comprend trois sections: les faits essentiels,...
One-Page Case Summaries  provides a succinct summary of the key findings of every dispute panel report up to the end of 2014 and, where applicable, the subsequent Appellate Body report. Each one-page summary comprises three sections: the core facts; the key findings contained in the reports;...
How did a treaty that emerged in the aftermath of the Second World War, and barely survived its early years, evolve into one of the most influential organizations in international law? This unique book brings together original contributions from an unprecedented number of eminent current and...
La publicación "El edificio de la OMC" presenta un panorama fascinante del arte y la arquitectura del Centro William Rappard (CWR), sede de la Organización Mundial del Comercio. Describe los orígenes y la trayectoria del CWR, destacando las numerosas obras de arte creadas y donadas para...
La publicación "El edificio de la OMC" presenta un panorama fascinante del arte y la arquitectura del Centro William Rappard (CWR), sede de la Organización Mundial del Comercio. Describe los orígenes y la trayectoria del CWR, destacando las numerosas obras de arte creadas y donadas para...
"The WTO Building" provides a fascinating insight into the artwork and architecture of the Centre William Rappard (CWR), home of the World Trade Organization. The book describes the origins and evolution of the CWR, highlighting the many works of art created and donated to adorn the building...
CHF 35.00
El Informe Anual 2015 ofrece un panorama general de las actividades de la OMC en 2014 y principios de 2015. El Informe inicia con un mensaje del Director General de la OMC, Roberto Azevêdo. A continuación figuran un breve panorama de los acontecimientos de 2014 y 2015 y descripciones más...
CHF 35.00
Le Rapport annuel 2015 offre un aperçu des activités de l'OMC en 2014 et au début de 2015. Il commence par un message du Directeur général de l'OMC Roberto Azevêdo, suivi d'une brève présentation de la période 2014-2015 et de comptes rendus plus approfondis des activités menées par l'OMC...
CHF 35.00
The Annual Report 2015 provides an overview of WTO activities in 2014 and early 2015. The Report begins with a message from WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo. This is followed by a brief overview of 2014-15 and more in-depth accounts of WTO activities over the past year.
The fifth edition of the Repertory of Reports and Awards (the 'Repertory') serves first and foremost as a source of information for those interested in the field of international trade law. Initially developed as an internal research tool to assist the Appellate Body Secretariat in carrying out...
Monitoring the trade policies and practices of members is a fundamentally important activity of the World Trade Organization. All WTO members are reviewed at regular intervals, according to their share of world trade. Each Trade Policy Review consists of three parts: a report by the government...
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