
This fully revised and updated edition provides an overview of the WTO's Agriculture Agreement, the full legal text of the agreement, and the decisions and recommendations adopted by the Agriculture Committee since January 1, 1995. It is the latest title in the WTO Agreements Series, which aims...
Los 20 ãnos de la OMC: una mirada retrospectiva ofrece un panorama general de los dos primeros decenios de funcionamiento del árbitro del sistema multilateral de comercio mediante una selección de fragmentos e imágenes impactantes. Los lectores descubrirán los orígenes, la misión, la...
CHF 40.00
Les 20 ans de l'OMC: rétrospective donne un aperçu général des 20 premières années de fonctionnement de l'arbitre du système commercial multilatéral à travers une sélection d'images marquantes et d'extraits. Les lecteurs découvriront les origines, la mission, l'histoire, la composition,...
CHF 40.00
20 Years of the WTO: A Retrospective provides an overview of the first two decades of the arbiter of the multilateral trading system. A selection of compelling images and quotes guides the reader through the history of the organization. Readers will uncover the origins, mission, history,...
Uri Dadush is Senior Associate in the International Economics Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC. He is also President and Founder of Economic Policy International, LLC. He was formerly Director of Trade at the World Bank, a department he founded in the...
Uri Dadush, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington DC Chiedu Osakwe, World Trade Organization, Geneva What have WTO accessions contributed to the rules-based multilateral trading system? What demands have been made by original WTO members on acceding governments? How...
The Aid for Trade Initiative has allowed for the active engagement of a large number of organisations and agencies in helping developing countries and especially the least developed build the infrastructure and supply-side capacity they need to connect to regional and global markets and improve...
CHF 30.00
The Role of Trade in Ending Poverty looks at the complex relationships between economic growth, poverty reduction and trade, and examines the challenges that poor people face in benefiting from trade opportunities. Written jointly by the World Bank Group and the WTO, the publication...
China - Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duty Measures on Broiler Products from the United States (WT/DS427) and China - Countervailing and Anti-Dumping Duties on Grain Oriented Flat-Rolled Electrical Steel from the United States (WT/DS414/2)
China - Definitive Anti-Dumping Duties on X-Ray Security Inspection Equipment from the European Union (WT/DS425)
Canada - Certain Measures Affecting the Renewable Energy Generation Sector / Canada - Measures Relating to the Feed-in Tariff Program (WT/DS412, WT/DS426)
Dispute Settlement Reports 2013: Volume 1, Pages 1-468 Canada – Certain Measures Affecting the Renewable Energy Generation Sector / Canada – Measures Relating to the Feed-in Tariff Program (WT/DS412, WT/DS426)
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