World AIDS Day Report 2023

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This report shows how community-led interventions are central to achieving the end of AIDS and to sustaining the gains into the future. People living with or affected by HIV have driven progress in the HIV response—reaching people who have not been reached; connecting people with the services they need; pioneering innovations; holding providers, governments, international organizations and donors to account; and spearheading inspirational movements for health, dignity and human rights for all. They are the trusted voices. Communities understand what is most needed, what works, and what needs to change. Communities have not waited to be handed their leadership roles — they have taken the roles on themselves and held fast in their insistence on doing so. They have applied their skills and determination to help tackle other pandemics and health crises too, including COVID-19, Ebola and mpox. Letting communities lead builds healthier and stronger societies. This report shines a light on the underreported story of the everyday heroes of the HIV response. But it is much more than a celebration of the achievements of communities. It is an urgent call to action for governments and international partners to enable and support communities in their leadership roles.