The SDG Pulse Series is UNCTAD’s annual statistical publication reporting on developments relating to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The purpose of this series is to: provide an update on the evolution of a selection of official SDG...
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The ATP Handbook comprises the ATP Agreement itself and its Annexes with comments added where appropriate for clarification or additional explanation of the text. Comments contained in the ATP Handbook are not legally binding for Contracting Parties of the ATP. They are, however, important for...
This Training Guide seeks to assist States parties in meeting their obligations to respect, protect and fulfil the rights enshrined in the Convention for the Protection of all Persons against Enforced Disappearances. The Manual, which is the first part of the Training Guide, outlines the...
The study examines the trade and development challenges facing Asian Landlocked Developing Countries and their prospects for export diversification. It offers recommendations based on the case studies of the selected countries. The report argues that, despite complex trade and development...
The LDC Waiver is a legal tool that enables WTO Members to sidestep their obligation to treat all services imports equally under the Most-Favoured Nation (MFN) clause through the granting preferential treatment to services and service exporters from a Least Developed Country (LDC). It is similar...
Economic policymaking in Asia-Pacific developing countries has, understandably, long been focused on maximising economic growth, given the imperatives of poverty reduction and job creation. There is no gainsaying that there is a strong case for focusing on economic growth but when this comes at...
This publication provides guidance to national statistical offices on whether, when and how to include institutional populations of older persons in social surveys and other data sources to produce statistics on topics related to ageing.  
This publication is the latest in a series published biennially by the Statistics Division of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) under the title Arab Society: Demographic and Social Trends. It presents a broad description of Arab society and the ways in which it is...
The Financing for Sustainable Development Report (FSDR) assesses progress in implementing the commitments and actions in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. Its 2020 edition puts an emphasis on digital technologies, and their potential to accelerate progress in financing for development and SDG...
The Satellite Account on Nonprofit and Related institutions and Volunteer work (NPI) brings various efforts together to offer comprehensive methodological guidance for creating a coherent satellite account on what we are calling the “third, or social economy, sector,” the “TSE sector” for short,...
This publication provides comparable data on causes, types and results of accidents in Europe, Canada and the United States. Data are organized by nature of accident and surroundings; accidents while under the influence of alcohol; and the number of persons killed or injured, by category or road...
2020 marks the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action. It also marks the first time that progress on the implementation of the Platform is reviewed in light of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted in 2015. This report therefore takes an integrated...
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