UNESCO Publications

A Catalyst for Shared Prosperity? Paperback This report presents Islamic finance perspective on critical developmental issues such as growing inequality and imbalances in the distribution of wealth and how to enhance shared prosperity.
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CHF 39.00
The definitive guide to all the 1199 World Heritage sites 1032 pages, 160 x 210 mm (paperback) UNESCO Publishing/Collins The World Heritage List includes properties forming part of the cultural and natural heritage which the World Heritage Committee considers as having...
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CHF 29.00
Ces poèmes, dus aux plus grands poètes coréens du XIII e  au XIX e  siècle, se caractérisent par un très vif sentiment de la nature et par une qualité d'émotion marquée par la nostalgie et par une méditation sur l'impermanence, souvent empreinte de philosophie bouddhique. Quelques titres...
Fils de fer, morceaux de bois, chiffons, boîtes de conserve vides... : autant de trésors pour ces enfants, filles et garçons - parfois des bambins d'à peine 4 ans - qui ne connaissent de nos jouets usinés qu'une image, une photo, un souvenir. Avec beaucoup de talent et d'ingéniosité, ils vont...
This book traces the city's history to the present day by surveying its urban form and major religious monuments, providing insight into Shi'i rituals, pilgrimages and funerals in the cemetery of Wadi al-Salam, and offering vivid portraits of its people.
These papers are intended to demonstrate the complexity of the historical processes leading up to the abolition of slavery in 1793-1794, and again in 1848, given that Bonaparte had restored the former colonial regime in 1802. Those processes include the slave insurrections and the many forms of...
Throughout UNESCO’s 75 years of existence, never before has the Courier, UNESCO’s flagship magazine, published an anthology, in book form, with such scope and scale. These two volumes bring together some of the great thinkers and pioneering minds of recent times who have led important...
Bestselling guide to all 1,007 UNESCO World Heritage sites. Fully updated to include the latest sites added to the World Heritage List in June 2014. The List is managed by the World Heritage Committee and each site is judged under strict criteria - only the worlds most spectacular and...
Two of the keynote speakers, Mario Hernandez, Senior Program Specialist for Remote Sensing for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and Barbara Ryan, then Associate Director for Geography at the United States Geological Survey (USGS), were inspired to...
Transfer of the Panama Canal special commemorative edition. Edición especial conmemorativa del traspaso del Canal de Panamá.
Collection complète de 10 livres de poches consacrés aux arts: -La miniature romane et gothique en Tchécoslovaquie -Miniatures irlandaises -Fresques médiévales en Yougoslavie -Peintures des Grottes d'Ajatan -Peintures romanes des Eglises norvégiennes -Peintures romanes espagnoles...
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