Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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CHF 9.00
What goes on in the ocean?    How can we help?   Colour the blue crabs and read snippets of what goes on in the ocean.  Later, join the blue crab in the adventures of Lucy and George as they meet new fish friends in “Life Below Water, a fishy tale”.  Inspired by the United Nations Sustainable...
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CHF 19.00
What is Zero Hunger about?   Can we help?   Discover the adventures of Lucy and George and meet their new animal friends with “Zero Hunger , for everyone.”  An enchanting story to encourage a better understanding of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 2. Part of a captivating...
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CHF 19.00
What is poverty?    How can we help?   Discover the adventures of Lucy and George in “No Poverty, in a perfect world”. Meet their new flower bird friends in an enchanting story to encourage a better understanding of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 1. Part of a captivating...
Que se passe-t-il vraiment dans la mer? Et comment pouvons-nous aider` Découvre les aventures de Lucy et Georges et rencontre leurs nouveaux amis du grand large en lisant “Vie Aquatique, un conte des mers.” Une histoire enchanteresse pour favoriser une meilleure compréhension de...
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CHF 19.00
What goes on in the ocean?    How can we help?   Dive into the adventures of Lucy and George as they meet their new fish friends in “Life Below Water, a Fishy Tale.”  This enchanting story helps young readers understand the importance of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14....


  • ‎CHF 9
  • ‎CHF 19